Xors Moon Base by Innspace
4th place in Moon Base Design Contest, 2021
We started the process of designing the habitat with various analyzes. It was crucial for us to study the experiences of users of the International Space Station. The goal of the entire process was to maximize the satisfaction of the base users by improving functionality and usability. We also focused on the attractive appearance of the base from the outside. The entire habitat is designed in line with sustainable development. We have used ecological solutions such as a closed water cycle or the use of materials available on the planet’s surface. We used lunar regolith printed in the innovative 3D printing technology tailored to our needs.
The base's interiors are accessible and ergonomic. This is extremely important from a psychological point of view, as it directly affects the mood of the habitat’s inhabitants. When designing the space, we tried to open it as much as possible to make the module seem large and provide walking surfaces, supporting natural movement. The colors used are neutral and result from the materials used. The primary purpose of this decision was to create a space that would be as favorable as possible to work.

Design by Innspace www.innspace.pl
Xors Moon Base

Xors Moon Base
